icoin is perfect for transferring value within the cryptocurrency world

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To find answers for your questions about the airdrop event 👉🏻 https://icoinlabs.io/icoin-airdrop-faq
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Total Supply :
Future price target : 1 icoin = US$ 0,0001
Today Price. : https://www.swft.pro/
To be eligible to participate in the 900 Billion icoin airdrop event, you need to have an icoin trustline in your wallet (XAMAN wallet), and follow the @icoinlabs account on X. A total of 3,000,000 icoin will be airdrop to your icoin trustline when icoin reach 30,000 icoin trustlines. (Note: Each follower can have only one trustline. It means that if you have multiple wallet addresses, only one wallet address is eligible to receive the reward.)
If you are an icoin holder and have a minimum of 10M icoin in your wallet, you can now claim your reward from January 16, 2025, to January 21, 2025. To start, please enter your information here 👉🏻https://icoinlabs.io/reward-for-icoin-holder-1 along with your X account that follows @icoinlabs on X. You will receive your reward within 3 days after the claiming period ends on January 21, 2025.
Rewards will be distributed at a 2:1 ratio. For example, if you hold 10M icoin, you will receive a 20M icoin reward.
(Note: Your claim will be disqualified if you don't follow @icoinlabs on X )
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